Inside the doll’s house The peculiar under and over-dwellings built into the steep hillsides of Hebden Bridge often cause confusion. Lisa Slater had to get an estate agent to explain the concept to a building society before she got a mortgage.
St Pol-sur-Ternoise and Warstein visitors welcomed by twin town Hebden Bridge
new work in 2016 LIsa Slater
7 key moments in the extraordinary history of automata  ByAnnabelle Campbell

2015 Highlight - Hebden Bridge Twin Towns.

Delighted to be asked by Hebden Bridge Town Council to make 3 Automata to celebrate the towns twinning with St Pol and Warstien. Each identical and presented to the Mayors when they visited. The characters represent people  of the towns.

2016 Two pieces I am particularly pleased with are the Lapwing automata and Pecking Blue Tit on a milk bottle. 

My Pecking Hens automata features in the October edition of Crafts Magazine in an interesting article by Annabelle Cambell on the History of Automata.

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