2020 Although a quiet year for exhibitions I was pleased to be in automata form with an exhibition from Cabaret Mechanical Theatre at the Gosport Gallery exhibition. This piece is me making an automata at my bench.
I also went live on my instagram page to do an artists talk about my influences and work.
2019 A Horses commission took took me to the New Forrest. More details on my Commissions page. I had a real adventure down there and discovered who made Peters mother , a carved wooden figure my friend has of his mother was verified to be have been made by Frank Whittington (1876-1973). An artist and wood-carver who set up a toy making business in the New Forest at the end of the First World War. The Forest Toys factory became renowned for its beautifully observed painted wooden animals. I had repaired his mothers arm so when Roz the warden showed me St Francis in Brockenhurst church by Whittington and told me about Forest Toys and Peter told me his mother was from Brockenhurst well what discovery.